Moral Story for Class 3 in English

Looking for some Best Moral Story for Class 3 in English? In today’s fast-paced world, instilling moral values ​​in young children is more important than ever. Class 3 is an important time when children begin to grasp complex concepts and develop their moral compass. An effective way to deliver these values ​​is through engaging and age-appropriate stories. The aim of this article is to explore the significance of moral stories for Class 3 students, provide insights for selecting appropriate stories, and highlight the impact these narratives can have on children’s development.

13+ Best Moral Story for Class 3 in English:

Here are 13+ Best Moral Stories for Class 3 that will help your child develop moral values. Without any further discussion let’s start the stories.

1. Moral Story for Class 3: The Little Ant and the Berry Bush

Once upon a time, in a busy forest, there lived an industrious ant named Andy. Andy was known for his hard work and kindness to his fellow ants. One sunny day, while riding for food, he stumbled upon a bush full of delicious berries.

Excitedly, Andy began picking berries, filling his tiny arms with the ripest ones. As he was about to turn back towards Antilles, he noticed a tired and hungry squirrel struggling to reach the high branches of the bush. Without hesitation, Andy offered some of his berries to the squirrel, who gratefully accepted.

Every day thereafter, Andy continues to share his bounty with other forest animals in need. His selfless actions inspired others to join in, creating a community where kindness and generosity flourished.

Moral: Andy’s story teaches us that kindness and generosity to others not only enriches their lives but also creates a sense of unity and empathy within a community.

2. Moral Story for Class 3: The Story of Ravi and the Sacred Tree-

In a small village in the foothills of the Himalayas, lived a young man named Ravi. Ravi was known for his deep respect for nature and all living things. One day, while exploring the forest near his village, Ravi discovered a majestic banyan tree that was revered as sacred by the village elders.

As Ravi sat under the tree marveling at her beauty, he noticed some children teasing a group of monkeys nearby. The monkeys got scared and dropped their half-eaten fruit. Moved by their plight, Ravi approached the children and gently explained how important it is to treat all animals with kindness and respect.

From that day on, Ravi became the protector of the sacred tree and its inhabitants. He often visited with offerings of fruits and flowers, so that monkeys and birds felt safe and welcome under its leafy canopy. His actions also inspired other children in the village to treat nature and its animals with respect and care.

Moral: Respect and kindness towards nature and its creatures create harmony and preserve our environment.

3. Moral Story for Class 3: Festival of Colors-

In a vibrant village in India, children eagerly awaited the arrival of spring and the festival of Holi. The festival celebrates the victory of good over evil and the arrival of spring, marked by joyful colors and camaraderie.

One year, a newcomer Arav joins the village. Initially shy due to his various customs, he watched with curiosity as the villagers merrily smeared each other with colored powder, dancing to lively music. Soon, a local child invites him to join the festival. Aarav hesitates but then agrees, joining in the fun. At the end of the day, colored from head to toe, she felt connected and appreciated, realizing that cultural differences can be bridged through mutual respect and participation.

Moral: Celebrating cultural diversity through traditions fosters unity and enriches community bonds.

4. Moral Story for Class 3: The Story of Diwali Lights-

Deep in a bustling neighborhood of Mumbai, lived a young woman named Priya, who eagerly awaited the festival of Diwali every year. Diwali, known as the festival of lights, celebrates the triumph of light over darkness and the victory of good over evil.

One year, Priya befriends a new neighbor, Mei Lin, who recently moved from China. Mei Lin was unfamiliar with Diwali and its customs. Intrigued, he saw that Priya’s family had decorated their house with colorful rangoli patterns and lit rows of diyas (earthen lamps) symbolizing hope and positivity.

Priya, sensing Mei Lin’s curiosity, invites her to join their Diwali celebrations. Mei Lin hesitated at first, unsure of participating in a new tradition. However, Priya’s warmth and explanation of the festival’s significance encouraged Mei Lin to attend.

Together, they lit diyas, exchanged sweets and enjoyed the festive atmosphere. Mei Lin discovers the beauty of cultural celebrations and the bonds they create, while Priya cherishes the opportunity to share her heritage with a new friend.

Moral: Sharing cultural heritage bridges differences, strengthens bonds and promotes unity among different communities.

5. Moral Story for Class 3: The Lion and the Mouse-

In a green savannah, a mighty lion named Leo ruled with power and grace. His mighty roar echoed throughout the land, striking fear into the hearts of all who heard it. One day, Leo is caught in a hunter’s trap while walking through tall grass. No matter how hard he struggled, the rope only tightened around him.

Nearby, a small mouse named Milo hears Leo’s cries for help. Curious and sympathetic, Milo proceeded to investigate. Milo didn’t hesitate to hold onto Leo. With gritted teeth and a determined effort, he tugged at the rope until Leo was free.

Leo was surprised. “Thank you, Milo,” she said gratefully. “You saved my life.”

Milo smiled shyly. “It was nothing, Leo. I may be short, but I’m glad I could help.”

Leo realized that day that kindness and bravery come in all forms. From then on he treated Milo with respect and friendship. And Milo, in turn, found a lifelong friend and protector in Leo.

Moral: No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

6. Moral Story for Class 3: The Clever Crow and the Pitcher-

In a small village amidst the green fields of India lived a clever crow named Chandu. On a scorching summer day, when the sun shone in the sky, Chandu flew from tree to tree in search of water. Ponds have dried up, rivers have become torrents.

After much searching, Chandu finally found an urn in a yard. Excitedly, he flew down and peered inside, but alas, there was little water below it, too low for him to reach.

Thinking, Chandu picked up the pebbles one by one and threw them into the pitcher. With each pebble, the water level rose little by little. He continued this until the water was high enough to quench his thirst.

Satisfied and grateful for his clever idea, Chandu jumped for joy. As he made his way through the village, the other animals watched in awe and learned from his resourceful actions.

Moral: Wisdom and resourcefulness can overcome even the toughest challenges.

7. Moral Story for Class 3: The Story of Hanuman and Surya-

In ancient times, in the kingdom of Ayodhya, there lived a mighty warrior and devotee of Lord Rama named Hanuman. Known for his unwavering devotion and incredible strength, Hanuman’s feats were legendary across the country.

One day, as a mischievous child, Hanuman saw the rising sun and thought it was a ripe, bright fruit. Eager to impress his divine mother, Anjana, he jumped into the sky to grab it. As Hanuman ascended, the sun grew bigger and hotter, as if in his palm.

As Hanuman approached Surya, the gods and celestial beings watched with wonder and concern. Indra, the king of the gods, is worried that Hanuman’s bravery may upset the balance of the universe. To prevent this, he threw his thunderbolt, hitting Hanuman’s jaw.

Hanuman was knocked unconscious by Indra’s thunderbolt and fell to earth. The wind god and Hanuman’s father was enraged by this attack on his son. He withdrew his wind, creating chaos in the world. Realizing their mistake, the gods intervened, reviving Hanuman with blessings and gifts.

From that day Hanuman learned humility and realized the limits of his power. She devoted herself even more to the service of Lord Rama, becoming a symbol of devotion, strength and wisdom in Hindu mythology.

Moral: Even mighty men must respect the boundaries set by divine command, and humility is a virtue that strengthens character and earns divine favor.

8. Moral Story for Class 3: Story of Krishna and the Fruit Seller-

In the ancient city of Mathura, there lived a young man named Krishna, known for his mischievous antics and his divine charm. One day, Krishna and his friends were playing near a market, when they met a fruit seller named Madhu.

Krishna, always fond of sweets and fruits, approached Madhu and asked for some fruits. Madhu, recognizing Krishna as a playful child, smilingly offers him a handful of ripe mangoes. Krishna gladly accepted the mangoes but mischievously asked Madhu for more.

Madhu, a humble vendor struggling to make ends meet, politely explained that he had a limited amount of fruit to sell that day. Discouraged, Krishna playfully challenged Madhu to count the fruits in his hands. To everyone’s surprise, every time Madhu counted the fruits, the number remained the same despite Krishna and his friends eating them.

Amazed and realizing Krishna’s divine nature, Madhu fell at His feet in reverence. Krishna, touched by her sincerity and humility, blessed Madhu with prosperity and abundance. From that day, Madhu’s fruit stall flourished and he became known for his generosity and devotion to Krishna.

Moral: Divine blessings come to those who offer with sincerity and humility, and true wealth lies not in material possessions but in the richness of the heart.

9. Moral Story for Class 3: The Quest of Raju the Elephant-

In a vast forest near a sleepy village lived Raju, a young elephant known for his tender heart and determined spirit. One monsoon season, the village faced a dire crisis due to heavy rains and swollen rivers. Their sacred river, which was the lifeline of the community, had dried up.

Raju, hearing the villagers’ cries for help, decides to embark on a daring quest. Inspired by the whispers of ancient trees and the wisdom of the elders, he ventured deep into the jungle in search of the mythical river of wonders. Legends say that its waters can revive any land.

Traveling through dense forests and dangerous paths, Raju faces challenges – a roaring tiger blocking his path, a steep hill he has to climb and a cunning dragon lurking in the shadows. Yet, with each obstacle, Raju’s resolve grew stronger. He relied on his wit, strength and the blessings of his ancestors.

Eventually, after many days of difficult travel, Raju reaches a hidden grove where a spectacular waterfall flows into a crystal-clear pond. He immediately knows he has found the River of Wonders. Blowing his trumpet in joy, Raju fills his trunk with magical water and returns to the village.

When Raju pours water into the dry riverbed, the villagers witness a miracle before their eyes. The river begins to flow once again, bringing life and prosperity back to their land. Tears of gratitude flow as they celebrate Raju’s bravery and selflessness.

Moral: Courage, determination, and compassion can overcome any challenge, and true heroes rise from unexpected places to bring hope and renewal to their communities.

10. Moral Story for Class 3: The Adventures of Fairy and the Talking Tree-

In a secluded corner of a mysterious forest in India, lived a young girl named Pari. He was known for his kind heart and brave spirit. One day, while exploring deep in the forest, the fairy stumbled upon a magnificent banyan tree that she had never seen before. Its branches reached as high as the sky and its roots spread across the ground.

Curious and excited, the fairy approached the tree and gently touched its trunk. To his surprise, the tree stirred and said in a deep, soothing voice, “Welcome, young traveler. I am the ancient banyan tree of wisdom. What brings you to my abode?”

Startled but curious, Pari introduces herself and shares her fascination with the forest and its mysteries. Banyan trees, wise and patient, begin to tell stories of animals big and small, rivers that whisper secrets, and stars that dance in the night sky.

As the days turn into weeks, Pari regularly visits the banyan tree, listens intently to its stories, and learns valuable lessons about respect for nature, kindness to all creatures, and the importance of courage in the face of adversity. The tree, in turn, became a fan of the fairy’s curiosity and enthusiasm.

One fateful day, Pari discovers that a nearby river has dried up due to a man-made dam upstream. Distressed, he asked the banyan tree for guidance. With the encouragement and wisdom of the tree, Pari rallies the villagers, raising awareness of the river’s plight and advocating for its restoration.

Inspired by the fairy’s determination and the banyan tree’s support, the villagers join hands to break down the dam, allowing the river to flow freely once more. The forest rejoiced, and Pari felt a sense of fulfillment knowing she had made a difference.

Moral: Through curiosity, kindness, and guidance from wise mentors, even the youngest among us can inspire positive change and protect the natural wonders that sustain us all.

11. Moral Story for Class 3 in English: The Honest Woodcutter-

In a strange village in the midst of green hills lived a carpenter named Ramu. Known for his strong work ethic and honesty, Ramu made a living by cutting wood in the nearby forest. One day while cutting wood by the river, Ramu accidentally dropped his ax into the deep water.

Dejected that the ax was his only means of livelihood, Ramu sat down by the river in despair. Just then the river goddess appeared before him with a golden axe. “Is that your axe?” she asked.

Surprised by the goddess’ question, Ramu answered truthfully, “No, that is not my axe.”

The river goddess smiled and disappeared, returning moments later with a silver axe. “Is that your axe?” he asked again.

Ramu again answered honestly, “No, that is not my axe.”

Impressed by Ramu’s honesty, Nadi Devi finally appeared with Ramu’s iron axe. Delighted, Ramu thanked Devi profusely and promised to always maintain honesty in his life.

Word of Ramu’s honesty spread throughout the village, earning him respect and admiration. Since then, Ramu prospered not only because of his hard work but also because of his unwavering commitment to integrity in all his dealings.

Moral: Integrity is a quality that brings respect, trust and prosperity, even in difficult situations.

12. Moral Story for Class 3: The Farmer’s Honest Son-

In a small village in rural India, lived a farmer named Mohan and his young son Ravi. Ravi was known throughout the village for his unwavering honesty, a trait he inherited from his father. One day, while walking through their fields, Ravi finds a bag of gold coins hidden under a bush.

Excited but unsure of its origin, Ravi takes the bag to his father Mohan and explains how he found it. Mohan examines the bag and realizes that it must belong to their rich neighbor Mr. Verma, who recently reported losing a bag of gold.

Despite their financial problems, Mohan and Ravi immediately go to Mr. Verma’s house and return the bag of gold coins. Mr. Verma, overwhelmed with gratitude and admiration for Ravi’s honesty, rewarded them generously.

News of Ravi’s honesty quickly spread throughout the village, earning him the respect and admiration of all. Proud of his son’s honesty, Mohan knew that he had raised him well. Ravi grew up as a responsible and respected member of the community, always known for his honesty and integrity in all his dealings.

Moral: Integrity is a virtue that brings respect, trust and blessings regardless of one’s circumstances.

13. Moral Story for Class 3 in English: The Guardians of the Forest-

Deep in a lush forest in India, lived a tribe known as the Kaveri, who revered nature and its delicate balance. Among them was a young man named Arjuna, who had a deep connection with the forest. One day, while Arjuna was exploring deep in the forest, he stumbled upon a clearing where the trees had been ruthlessly cut down, leaving a barren desert.

Heartbroken by the devastation, Arjuna returns to his village determined to make a difference. He gathered his fellow villagers, and together they planted seedlings, tended the soil, and revitalized the land. They created a sanctuary for wildlife and vowed to protect the forest from further damage.

Years passed, and Arjun became a respected leader known for his dedication to environmental conservation. Under his guidance, the Kaveri tribe flourished alongside the regenerated forests. The animals are back, and the once barren land is blooming with green.

Arjuna’s story spread far and wide, inspiring neighboring villages to follow his example. Together, they have created a network of guardians committed to preserving the natural world for future generations.

Moral: Through unity, dedication and respect for nature, communities can restore and protect the environment by ensuring harmonious coexistence with the earth’s precious resources.

14. Moral Story for Class 3 in English: The Story of Raju and the Vanishing Forest-

In a remote village on the edge of a vast forest in India lived a young man named Raju. He grew up amidst tall trees, vibrant wildlife and the quiet rhythm of nature. However, as Raju grows older, he notices alarming changes in his beloved forest. Trees were disappearing at an alarming rate, making way for farms and settlements.

Deeply concerned for the forest and its inhabitants, Raju decides to take action. He spoke passionately to his village elders, urging them to protect the forest and its biodiversity. With their help, Raju organizes tree planting initiatives and leads efforts to educate the community about sustainable practices.

Despite facing resistance from those who prioritized immediate gains over long-term sustainability, Raju persisted. He collaborated with local authorities and conservationists to establish protected areas and enforce regulations against illegal logging and wildlife poaching.

In time, Raju’s dedication paid off. The once endangered forest is recovering. Native plants flourish and endangered species return to their natural habitats. The air has become cleaner, and the climate more stable, benefiting both wildlife and villagers.

Raju’s story spread far and wide, inspiring other communities to follow his example. Together, they have created a network of stewards committed to conserving forests and nurturing the health of the planet for generations to come.

Moral: Through leadership, perseverance and community action, people like Raju can lead the way in protecting and restoring our natural environment, ensuring a sustainable future for all.

Also Read: 15+ New Unseen Passage For Class 3 In English


As we conclude our exploration of some moral story for class 3 in English, it becomes clear that these timeless stories are not only entertaining but also provide invaluable life lessons. From Aesop’s classic fables to rich cultural narratives from around the world, each story combines themes of kindness, courage, honesty and perseverance.

These stories, carefully selected for their simplicity and profound messages, inspire young minds to think critically, empathize deeply, and make moral choices in their lives. Through the adventures of brave animals, wise elders and spirited children, children learn that every action has consequences and that virtues like compassion and honesty can guide them through challenges.

As educators and parents, it is our responsibility to nurture these seeds of wisdom planted through storytelling, raising a generation that values ​​compassion, respects diversity and nurtures the environment. May these moral stories arouse curiosity, spark imagination and instill eternal values ​​in the hearts of our young readers.

Also Read:  10+ Best Moral Short Story in English for Class 3 Students with PDF
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